Thermo-Fluid Modeling Framework for Supercomputer Digital Twins: Part 1, Demonstration at Exascale


  • Vineet Kumar
  • Scott Greenwood
  • Wesley Brewer
  • David Grant
  • Nathan Parkison
  • Wesley Williams



cooling system, liquid-cooled supercomputers, Frontier, Modelica


A thermo-fluid modeling framework is being developed for ExaDigiT—an open-source framework for developing comprehensive digital twins of liquid-cooled supercomputers. The work is being conducted in two parts, and discussion is divided into two companion papers. The work documented in this paper focuses on the development of a cooling system library in Dymola for the Frontier supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The second part, outlined in a companion paper, focuses on a templating structure called Auto-CSM for easily creating modelagnostic, physics-based thermo-fluid cooling system models for liquid-cooled supercomputers using a text-based schema. The cooling model is being developed using primarily the open-source Transient Simulation Framework of Reconfigurable Models (TRANSFORM) library. The library follows the templating architecture developed within the TRANSFORM library for modeling subsystems. A full-system validation was performed to validate a very simple model that is integrated with the system controls, and the results are presented herein.


