Modelica, FMI and SSP for LOTAR of Analytical mBSE models: First Implementation and Feedback


  • Clément Coïc
  • Adrian Murton
  • Juan Carlos Mendo
  • Mark Williams
  • Hubertus Tummescheit
  • Kurt Woodham



Archiving, Retrieval, LOTAR, mBSE, MoSSEC, FMI, SSP


LOng Time Archiving and Retrieval (LOTAR) of models is key to using the full capabilities of model-Based System Engineering (mBSE) in a system lifecycle – including certification. The LOTAR MBSE workgroup is writing the EN/NAS 9300-Part 520 to standardize the associated process, in the aeronautics industry, and suggests the usage of Modelica, FMI and SSP standards for its purpose. Acceptance of such a process requires a match between industrial needs and software vendor implementations. This is helped by a tool-agnostic implementation of the process and following specific adaptations within the Modelon Impact software. This initiative – inside the LOTAR workgroups – highlights the suitability of such a process but also points at flaws or overhead due to the lack of connection between the Modelica, FMI and SSP standards, as well as the MoSSEC (ISO 10303-243) standard. The recommendations proposed in this document could have a significant impact on the final adoption of the LOTAR standard – relying on Modelica, FMI and SSP standards.


