Proceedings of Asian Modelica Conference 2020, Tokyo, Japan, October 08-09, 2020

					View Proceedings of Asian Modelica Conference 2020, Tokyo, Japan, October 08-09, 2020

Following the first and the second conferences in 2016 and 2018, the 3rd conference renamed as The Asian Modelica Conference 2020 takes place in Tokyo again. This is a special year with COVID-19 spreading out worldwide, the original physical conference was delayed from May 13-14 to October 8-9 and then converted to a virtual conference since August 25.

Series: Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 174
Editors: Rui Gao and Yutaka Hirano
ISBN: 978-91-7929-775-6
ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)

The individual papers can be accessed at:

Published: 2020-11-02