Increasing Interpretability and Prediction Rate by combining Self-organizing Maps with Modeling Algorithms


  • Ivan Ryzhikov
  • Mikko Huovinen
  • Yrjö Hiltunen



explanation, self-organizing map, risk estimation, postprocessing


We consider supervised learning problems, for which we need not only the accurate model, but also the model, that explains the relation between inputs and a target variable. There are modeling problems, when production experts can measure their confidence in the modeling results by modeling metrics, such as accuracy, but need an explanation for what was the reason of desirable or undesirable situation or system state in the past. In this study we utilize a combination of self-organizing maps and multiple linear modeling to increase the interpretability and accuracy. We assume that the target variable can be explained differently by different patterns that characterizes inputs data. By solving clustering problem for subset of inputs, we have structured data and can relate each cluster to its representative or cluster profile, which explains the cluster. Based on that structure we build linear model for each cluster dataset, and coefficients of this model explain the influence of factors for particular inputs characteristics. To cut the number of inputs we use L1-regularization for linear model. Proposed approach was tested on several industry related problems and implemented in application.


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