Extended ATM for Seamless Travel (X-TEAM D2D)


  • Margarita Bagamanova
  • Luigi Brucculeri
  • Stefano Giovannini
  • Mario Ciaburri
  • Vittorio Sangermano
  • Raffaella Russo
  • Gabriella Duca
  • Peter A. Meincke
  • Maciej Maczka
  • Bartosz Dziugieł
  • Giovanni Cerasuolo
  • Roberto Valentino Montaquila
  • Vittorio Di Vito
  • Miguel Antonio Mujica Mota
  • Abdel El Makhloufi
  • Riccardo Enei




airport, multimodal transport, passenger service, door-to-door


X-TEAM D2D project is focused on integrating Air Traffic Management and Urban Air Mobility into an overall multimodal transport network to address the potential increase in efficiency of the overall transportation system in the future, considering the operational domain of the urban and extended urban environment up to a regional extent and passenger-centric perspective. This paper presents the analysis of the Door to Airport trajectory of business passengers until 2035. The results indicate the system's expected performance in 2035 under normal and disrupted scenarios providing insight on the expected impact of future technologies.


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