Automated Cost Optimization of CO2 Capture Using Aspen HYSYS


  • Lars Erik Øi
  • Andrea Haukås
  • Solomon Aromada
  • Nils Eldrup



carbon capture, Aspen HYSYS, simulation, cost estimation, optimization


CO2 can be captured by absorption into monoethanol amine (MEA) followed by desorption. In this work, three configurations; standard, vapour recompression and a simple split-stream (rich split) have been simulated with an equilibrium-based model in Aspen HYSYSTM V10.0 using flue gas data from a natural gas based power plant. Adjust and recycle blocks available in Aspen HYSYS are used to automate the energy and material balance for a specified configuration. Optimization can be performed by minimizing the total cost calculated in an Aspen HYSYS spreadsheet. The equipment cost was obtained from Aspen In-plant Cost EstimatorTM V10.0, and an enhanced detailed factor (EDF) method was used to estimate the total investment cost. Parametric studies of absorber packing height, minimum approach temperature in the main heat exchanger, flash pressure and split ratio were performed at 85% capture efficiency for the three configurations. The calculated cost optimum process parameters for the standard process were 15 m packing height and 13 °C minimum approach temperature. For the vapor recompression case, a flash pressure of 150 kPa provided the lowest total cost. The calculated optimum rich split ratio was 12%. Automated calculations are dependent on stable convergence of the simulations. A specific challenge is the adjustment of the amine recirculation to obtain a specified total capture rate.


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