Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of air-steam biomass gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier
Biomass gasification, Sensitivity analysis, Process modeling, Fluidized bed, CPFD method, Steam-to-biomass ratio, Eulerian-Lagrangian simulationAbstract
To numerically study biomass gasification in a three-dimensional bubbling fluidized bed, a CFD-DEM (computational fluid dynamics – discrete element method) model with heat transfer and homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions is implemented. An ideal reactor model is used for the air-steam bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) gasification reactor assuming perfectly mixed solids and plug flow. A validated computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) model has been applied to investigate the sensitivity analysis of mesh grids as well as to find the optimum number of grids. The result shows that 7452 grid cells are the optimal number of cells for the existence BFB gasifier. The effects of key process operating parameters such as steam to biomass ratio (SB), as well as temperature shows that by enhancing the SB ratio or reactor temperature, gas yields increase. H2 and CO2 concentrations promote by increasing the steam to biomass ratio while CO and CH4 production drop. The optimal value of SB for the gasification process can be found in the range of 0.3 to 1.
Copyright (c) 2022 Nastaran A. Samani, Marianne S. Eikeland

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