Citizens’ wishes and issues for urban mobility services of Rio de Janeiro


  • Manuela Quaresma
  • Bárbara Fonseca
  • Mariana Burlamaqui



smart city, urban mobility, co-design, future thinking


Smart cities have been the target for the development of several technologies, notably in the field of urban mobility. However, issues related to citizens' commuting need to be addressed beyond technology but focusing on the population and the context in which they live. This paper aims to discuss citizens' wishes and issues for the city of Rio de Janeiro to think about how we can achieve the so-desired smart city. From design workshop sessions with citizens, we intended to understand, through a dynamic in thinking about wishes for a short- and long-term future, which solutions we can give for the future of urban mobility considering their particularities. Several points were raised regarding governance, infrastructure, safety and security, and transportation modes, as well as technologies that could benefit citizens. The results may contribute to developing innovative service design proposals for urban mobility suitable for city contexts similar to the city studied.


